2019 is a landmark year for our GAGAs as it represents 25 years since our first Galvanizing Awards ceremony. To mark this special occasion we shared all the outstanding projects that have won across the years, by launching a popular vote.
Our previous winners come from across the UK and Ireland and a rich variety of sectors are represented, from site-specific artwork to landmark public buildings.
The winner of the vote is Eden Project by Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners.
The Eden Project, a £57m showcase for global bio-diversity, is one of the most innovative and high profile Millennium Projects. It is the largest plant enclosure in the world built in the lightest and most ecological way possible.
The project consists of three principal structural elements brought together in a 15-hectare landscaped site, formerly a worked out Cornish clay-pit.
These elements are the ‘biomes’, a sequence of eight inter-linked transparent domes that encapsulate humid tropic and warm temperate regions, a biome link building and a hilltop Visitors Centre. The biomes represent the perfect fulfillment of Buckminster Fuller’s vision of the maximum enclosed volume within the minimal surface area.